Tip for Success in Love, Marriage, and Life: Forgiveness

Tip for Success in Love, Marriage, and Life: 




Forgiveness – alex-shute-b7QwXDDEwv8-unsplash

This is what forgiveness looks like for Vincent and Veronica:

Forgiveness for Vincent is self-forgiveness for his inappropriate decisions and actions that caused Veronica pain.  The second part was making amends to the represented and reflecting the lasting change

Self-forgiveness for Veronica includes any way she gave herself a hard time or blamed herself for Vincent’s choices.  It was important for her not to become a victim because of the affair. 

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How do you handle offenses and hurt feelings in your relationship?

Is there an area for forgiveness and making amends in your relationship?

What happens when you talk about it?

Is there an area where forgiveness is needed to overcome bitterness and resentment?

On a scale of 1 – 10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, how satisfied are you with how the both of you of work through hurtful situations between you?


Stay tuned for Pillar #4 Marriage and Life:  Empathy

Preparation is needed for these conversations.

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing additional “Pillars of Success in Love, Marriage, and Life” during my Facebook LIVE sessions on

Sundays, at 5:00 pm ET / 4:00pm CT / 2:00pm PT in the Facebook Group!

Join the Facebook Group HERE. It’s FREE!

All replays will be in the Facebook Group

Questions are welcome.


Melva Johnson