Dear Melva and Jesse,
It’s Christmas Eve and I’m feeling somewhat depressed. As a mom, I am enjoying having my adult children and grandchildren home for Christmas. I know it’s too soon to be thinking about everyone beginning to go home in a couple of days and am starting to feel down. I am thinking about how much time it took to put up all these beautiful decorations, buy the perfect gifts for everyone, and prepare the huge meals. Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying all of this. I am just aware that all of this fun and joy will be over in a couple of days, when it will be time to start taking down Christmas lights and decorations etc. I could say more but I think you get the point.
I am feeling down and I don’t know how to get out of this funk. I’d appreciate any help you can give.
Feeling Funky on Christmas Eve
Dear Feeling Funky on Christmas Eve,
We don’t believe that you are alone by anticipating how all of this will be over soon. In fact, there are probably more people who feel the same but don’t verbalize it. Just imagine it. Everything, it seems, especially from the merchants, tend to focus on Christmas sales that makes up a huge amount of their annual sales before and after Christmas. It seems that on December 26, Christmas ends. Everything stops and far too many of us go back to our old “less than fulfilling” ways of life.
Here are a couple of our suggestions and we’re inviting our readers to offer additional ones.
As we see it, even though it is true that family members will be going home after Christmas, that is only partially the problem. Missing the people you love is real.
However, the real problem now is focusing on a couple of days from now and robbing yourself from enjoying the wonderful memories of fulfillment, happiness and joy you and your family are currently experiencing every day you are together.
We have two recommendations for you to consider
#1: Stay in the present and enjoy every moment, You have at least two more days to enjoy the season and your children
#2: After everyone leaves and you have everything in order at home.
Would you be willing to take some time to look deep within yourself to uncover what will bring you more fulfillment, happiness, joy, and feeling of accomplishment when your family is not in town and begin to pursue it?
You appear to have the real spirit and joy of Christmas in giving so much to contribute to happiness of others.
Let us know how it goes. Please keep us updated. We’d love to hear how this works out for you.
To your relationship success,
Jesse and Melva
PS. Stay tuned for our “Holiday Survival Guide for Couples”!

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