3 Little Known Tips for Couples Communication
Only if you want to improve your communication…

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Most of the time, the “honeymoon phase” for most couples would last forever if couples did not have to communicate.
Now this is especially true when couples communicate about conflict, and even more so when they have to communicate while in conflict.
We know this paints a dark picture.
But wait, there’s good news, because here are 3 couples conflict communication tips we bet no one told you about:
Tip #1: Look in the Mirror
Taking time out for inner reflection and contemplation to assess internal experience is crucial for a successful relationship. It gives you the power to look in the mirror and ask:
“Okay, what’s my part in this?”
This tip is priceless. The path to achieving any goal is to have a reality check about whether the current mindset and skillset a
person has matches the mindset and skill set necessary to achieve
the goal or manifest their relationship vision.
How to do it
Here’s how to put this tip to work for you:
Step 1: Make a list of the qualities and characteristics of the mindset and skillset of successful and happy couples in long term marriage and love relationships.
Step 2: Then list the qualities of your mindset and skillset for your marriage or current love relationship.
Then compare the lists.
Where are the gaps? Ouch!
Commit to filling in the gaps with as much passion as you have for being right.
Tip #2: What can and what can not be changed?
If you continue to try to change what you cannot, you will end up exhausted, emotionally drained, frustrated, stressed, disappointed and/or an angry spouse or love mate.
This could ultimately lead to your marriage or love relationship ending in divorce or breakup.
How to do it
Review the list of the gaps described in Tip #1. Circle or underline what you can realistically change.
Hint: It’s not about the other person.
This can then become your focus for moving forward.
Tip #3: Take action on what can be changed
When a person knows what they can realistically change, they become empowered to move forward toward success.
This one distinction gives hope for both you and the relationship to grow.
How to do it
Develop a vision for the outcome of your relationship. Set goals and objectives to guide your action steps.
This can bridge the gap from where you are to where you want be, and accomplish the results you desire.
Bonus Tip: Since you now know 3 specific steps you can take for your relationship, you can get more tools and tips by joining the FREE “Overcoming Barriers to a Long-Lasting Loving Relationship” Facebook Group.
To your success in love, marriage and life,
Melva Johnson

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash