The 2nd Important Legacy Parents Need to Leave Their Children
Creating a family legacy…

Thank you for joining us to discover the second most important legacy Bob and Bea provided for their growing and developing children:
How to consistently communicate both verbally and nonverbally how much they mattered to each other.
These messages were expressed in small and large ways through words, deeds, tone of voice gestures, facial expressions and more. The consistency of this quality of communication nurtured and strengthened their bond, which was and still is the foundation of their long term, satisfying marriage.
The objective is to avoid taking each other for granted, and leave a legacy of
daily small gestures and expressions of love, care and kindness
Psychology researchers Drs. John and Julie Gottman have discovered and
have written extensively on their findings that success and happy couples
are not conflict. However, what keeps their relationships thriving, is they have 5 positive interactions for every conflictual one
Thoughtful as well as spontaneous daily expressions and gestures of loving
touch, appreciation, care, respect, compassion and kindness
communicates that one’s partner is loved, admired, important, and valued.
And one of the greatest benefits is that consistency builds trust.
When the marriage and love relationship bank is filled and overflowing with the good feelings that become activated, when conflict or challenges do arrive, each partner has a surplus of good feelings toward the other to work through issues more effectively. Otherwise, when there are more
challenges and conflict than positive experiences, a looming threat to the
quality and survival of relationship may prevail.
This is what Bob and Bea did. They had a conversation about what
makes each partner feel loved, cared about, appreciated, important and
respected and gave that to each other.
How about both of you making that list as well. Drop us a comment and let
us know how this process went for you.
We’re looking forward to next time when we will share the third most
important legacy Bob and Bea provided for their children.
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