Tip for Success in Love, Marriage, and Life:
Honor Your Commitments

Commitment. wilson-sanchez-tL9dekPndHM-unsplash
Being faithful to your vows to “forsake all others” is basic because it is an essential ingredient in building and maintaining a foundation of trust.
It also includes a sincere resolve — a commitment — to being ones very best self and to support ones partner in whatever way(s) are required to enable them to be their very best selves as well.
It means two people, walking through life together, hand in hand and arm in arm, dedicated to themselves and each other to be, become, and experience the best that life has to offer as each stretch to achieve their highest and most noble best selves.
“While most people think of commitment in marriage as being sexually faithful to one’s spouse, commitment goes far beyond that. “
It requires a commitment by both partners to personal growth and development which empowers them, as individuals and as a couple, to experience the most magnificent life and relationship possible.
Let’s get personal.

Personal green-chameleon-s9CC2SKySJM-unsplash
How does this concept of commitment apply to you?
Question #1: What commitments have you made to your mate
Question #2: Which commitments have been easy to keep?
Question #3: What commitments have been difficult to keep?
Question #4: What will you lose if you don’t keep that commitment?
Question #5: What will you gain?
These are ideas to think about and talk about with your mate. If you would like a summary of all 7 pillars, you can access them here.
Warm Regards,