Ask Melva – Why Won’t She Stop Nagging Me?

Why Won’t She Stop Nagging Me?

Here is a story I have heard over and over:


“Here we go again, another argument.  She’s nagging me again.

All I wanted to do was to come home and relax.  I had a tough day and needed a break. Did that happen? No!

As soon as I walked in the door, she was complaining about something I did wrong – again! I keep asking myself, “Can’t I do anything right?  Apparently not!” 

Who does she think she is, Ms Perfect? Of course she does.

She wasn’t always that way, especially in the beginning of our relationship. She let me have my space.  I loved that!  Now when I take time for myself, she has something to say about it.

I can probably make a list of about five things she nagged me about before I took my coat off.

Is this going to go on forever?  I don’t know how long I can take this!


Can you relate to this husband’s experience?


Wouldn’t it be great if you could come home, relax and regroup and then spend the remainder of the evening or afternoon enjoying your wife without feeling nagged?

Would you like that?

If your answer is “YES”, I can help! There is a way to invite your wife to give you the space you need and have a warm, uplifting conversation, without the nagging.

Would you like to know how?

By scheduling a complimentary call with me:

During that call, you will discover the very first step to extending the invitation for time for yourself and time together.

When you click on the link below, you’ll have instant access to my calendar so we can get started as soon as possible 

If you can’t find a time that works for you on the calendar, just hit reply to this note with some times that work for you, and we will work it out.


Warm regards,

Melva Johnson